In realizing its mission, Delta Sigma Theta provides a number of public service initiatives through its Five-Point Program Thrust.
Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement.
Chairpersons: Sorors Glynetta Fletcher &
Rayanna Ross
Committing our Bodies to Physical and Mental Health as an organization of predominantly African American women, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is uniquely positioned to impact not only the well-being of its membership, but also the well-being of families and communities at large. The initiative addresses the challenges of living holistic and health lives.

Healthy Lifestyles: A refocused Lose to Win! To include Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
Physical Health: Chronic Diseases – Diabetes, Heart Disease, HIV/AIDS, Cancer
Mental Health: Bullying, Postpartum depression, Depression and the College Student, Successful aging
Delta S.I.Z.E.D. – Sorors, Invigorated, Zealous, Energized, and Determined for Physical Activity.

Annual Health Symposium:
- Sister’s Keeping Sister’s Healthy, March 11, 2017
Staying Healthy: Be Wise, Be Aware, Be Safe, February 17, 2018
Staying Healthy: Be Wise, Be Aware, Be Smart, February 9, 2019
Participation in Walk-a-thons: City of Hope Walk for Hope; Susan G Komen Breast Cancer; American Cancer Society, Making Strides for Breast Cancer.
Collaboration with International Awareness: World AIDS Day, Human Trafficking Symposium and Health Fair.
Collaboration with Youth initiative: YMO Sexual Health and Hygiene workshop; DAGE
Collaboration with Community Organizations: Monrovia ERT